Now that you’ve decided to start an internal company podcast, it’s time to get the ball rolling. This guide will help you plan and launch your podcast in the new year.

First, let’s talk about what led you to the decision to begin a podcast for your internal team and company. As you likely already know, podcasting is a great way to share information and news with your team. It’s also an excellent tool to communicate with customers and stakeholders. You could use it to highlight the work of individuals in the company, introduce new products or features, offer advice on industry trends and topics, and discuss best practices for customer service.

But how does a podcast for your internal company differ from general podcasting?

What is a podcast for an internal company?

An internal company podcast is a type of audio content specifically designed for your internal team, it is not meant for the general public and is not the same as a business podcast.

It focuses on stories, news and updates related to the company’s operations or industry that only the internal team would know or be privy to.

The goal of an internal podcast is typically to provide employees with useful information, educate them about topics related to the business, and promote dialogue among colleagues both inside and outside the office building. This type of content can also be used as a tool to drive engagement and build morale among team members.

So, how can you get started with your own internal podcast for your company?

How to start an internal company podcast

While this type of podcast is really only intended for the ears of your employees and team members, the production itself is not all that different from a public podcast. It’s still important to plan, outline and test your podcast before launching it.

Here are a few steps you should take.

Step 1: Establish a goal for the podcast

It may seem silly to state this as the first step, but truly, you should know why you’re starting a company podcast in the first place.

Is it to share information with your sales team? Update customers on new products? Educate employees on industry trends and best practices? Do you know what you want to accomplish with this content?

Knowing the purpose of your podcast will help guide its content and direct the conversation.

Step 2: Determine who will be involved in the production

In order to make a successful podcast, you’ll need the right people involved. You’ll want to assemble a team of those who will be responsible for the content creation, curation, editing and distribution.

This could include people like subject matter experts within your company, internal communications staff or even external contractors.

Step 3: Choose the format of your podcast

There are many different kinds of formats for podcasts, from educational to conversational to interview-style. Decide which one best suits the message you want to communicate and stick with it.

For example, if you want to discuss industry trends with your team, a conversational podcast between two subject matter experts might be the best choice. On the other hand, if you want to educate your team on a particular topic, an educational podcast format with lectures and Q&A may be more appropriate.

Step 4: Decide how often you’ll release episodes

Consistency is important when it comes to producing a successful podcast. You’ll need to decide whether you plan on releasing episodes weekly, monthly or quarterly.

For an internal podcast, the frequency of your releases may depend on the current company news and updates that need to be shared. Too frequent of episodes may lead to fatigue among listeners, while too infrequent may not keep your team engaged.

If you are finding that it’s too daunting to release new podcast episodes on a schedule, then you may want to outsource the production to an external podcast production agency that can help you manage the process.

Step 5: Promote the podcast within the company

Once you’ve created a few episodes, it’s time to get the word out about your internal podcast. There are many ways to do this, such as emailing employees with links to the episodes or posting about them on the company intranet.

You can also consider using a podcast hosting service that integrates with your current internal communications platforms. This will make it easier to promote and distribute episodes within the company, while also measuring engagement of listeners.

Don’t forget to reach out to the relevant departments and teams and let them know about the new podcast. Make sure they understand why it’s beneficial for them to listen.

You can also use the podcast as an opportunity for team members to exchange ideas and share their thoughts on a common platform. Invite employees to submit questions or comments that can be used in future episodes, or ask for feedback about the content you’ve already produced. This will help make the podcast more engaging for your team and a great way to build morale.

Wrapping Up

Once you’ve followed these steps, you’re ready to launch your internal company podcast. Keep in mind that while it may take some time to get the hang of producing content on a regular basis, with practice comes perfection. Your team will soon be more engaged and informed as a result of this new initiative.

If you’re interested in starting your own internal company podcast, but are in need of some consultation or production management, reach out to the Sorrentino Media team. Our podcast production services will help you get your podcast off the ground and ensure that it is successful.